1-5 December 2014 - Solo Exhibition of paintings by Albertyna Kacalak titled "Images and Emotions"

the initiation of doctoral study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław.

25 October - 24 November 2014 - International exhibition  outdoor landscape paintings titled "Known, Unknown - Krzetow" House of Culture in Wielgomłyny.


13-25 September 2014 - Exhibition PhD Students Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw titled "Part II"

the Museum of Carriages in Galowicach.


6-30 September 2014 - Solo Exhibition of paintings by Albertyna Kacalak „Italian Food Meets Polish Art”

Vivere Italiano, Wroclaw.


11-21 August 2014 - International exhibition of outdoor landscape paintings titled "Known, Unknown - Krzetow" Market Square in Wielgomłyny.

16-22 July 2014 - Collective outdoor landscape exhibition of paintings, will be held in the Museum - House of Carl and Gerhart Hauptmann in Szklarska Poreba. (Poland).

8-14 May 2014 - Collective Exhibition of Painting by Albertyna Kacalak, Sandra Rzeszutek, Mariusz Wildeman titled "Everyone has their own room", Gallery Joinery Wroclaw.



1 May - 30 June 2014 - Exhibition PhD Students Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw titled "Everything is possible" Creative Object Multi-function, Milicz.



7-30 March 2014 - Solo Exhibition of paintings by Albertyna Kacalak titled "Elementary Particles", Gallery ODA, Piotrkow Trybunalski (Poland).
